The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166092 Message #3991570
Posted By: Murray MacLeod
09-May-19 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: who owns an air fryer?
Subject: RE: BS: who owns an air fryer?
You appear to be quite the gourmet, Steve.
I have always thought that the finest chips (= French fries for our transatlantic cousins) were made using beef dripping. I cannot remember the actual temperatures, but you cook them for X minutes at the lower temp, to blanch, and then for Y minutes at the higher temp.
My understanding is that cooking chips this way is actually healthier than the chip shop method of deep frying in oil.
I do like your method of oven cooking the chips ... makes sense to me. I will definitely try that, and I look forward to any other culinary tips you choose to post on Mudcat.