The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163410   Message #3992143
Posted By: MikeL2
13-May-19 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Football (not the U.S. kind)
Subject: RE: BS: Football (not the U.S. kind)
Hi Steve... et al

Another Shanks classic. When talking to his wife she said

" You and your football.. You love Liverpool more than you love me. " He rplied " " I love Everton more than I love you"

I am Just back from North Wales. It pissed down nearly all the time.

So if you want to take the piss out of Man United ...go ahead there's plenty still left on me. lol

First I have to congratulate Liverpool on their fantastic win against Barcelona.

Then again about the way they fought to try to topple Man City for the League Title. It made fantastic watching.

MANCHESTER UNITED - I am aware of United's problems and that they will not be easy to get back to the top. There is obviously something drastically wrong at the Club. Strange how United had that run of winning games which dried up once Ole got the Manager's job. At the end we could not beat teams like Huddersfield etc who are going down.

Like Raggy I think the first step should be to get rid of Pogba and Sanchez for a start. Other players will want to leave eg De Gea, Valentia, etc. .
They are going to find that the top players will not want to come and that many fans will not come to watch especially those with Season tickets.

Football runs in our family with our son coaching young players and my eldest grandson has just agreed to coach very young starters. Although I played rugby ( both codes ) I am the odd one out; but on retirement from rugby I supported Man United like my Father and grandfather before him.

