The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30795   Message #399375
Posted By: Mikey joe
16-Feb-01 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: IRISH
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
If Conrad wishes to come to Mudcat to participate in discussions, ask questions, learn him self and/or help others, that is fantastic and he is welcome. However as pointed out by Jon he has the same reputation all over the internet for provoking people by insulting them and their nationality. Conrad may deny the above but if anyone is not sure please go to the IRTRAD archives for the following dates
Here you will find unfounded abuse of Irish, Chinese, Germans and Middle Eastern people. Conrad may deny these actions and say they are not his, but read what others have to say. he has been removed from IRTRAD several times and by all accounts hassled other newsgroups so now he has moved onto mudcat.
