The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166157   Message #3993935
Posted By: Steve Gardham
25-May-19 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: If you do like ballads...
Subject: RE: If you do like ballads...
Hi Ps,
The explanations of commonplace/cliché were not aimed at you or anybody specific for that matter. I was just clarifying the differences and explaining that both words have other uses than derogatory ones, as we had misinformation on this earlier.

BTW, I have no problem whatsoever with your guest status and welcome your very sensible contributions. The nearest I get to degree is a T-cert, but I have written 5 books and numerous articles on the history of folksong. Both my sons and my wife have good degrees, but I somehow missed out. Too late now at my time of life! There are 2 solid reasons why I didn't go to uni, sheer bloody laziness and I don't like being told what to do.