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Thread #165570   Message #3994092
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-May-19 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
From the Guardian at 1.18 am:

"Potentially most significantly, the share of the two unambiguously pro-Brexit parties – the Brexit party and Ukip – was 34.9%, markedly lower than the aggregate total of the pro-second referendum parties (the Lib Dems, Greens, Change UK, the Scottish National party and Plaid) at 40.3%."

And I'd add to that that most people who voted Labour (not included in the GuRdian's assessment) would have been remainers, as the vast majority of those who have jumped the Labour ship would have shifted to the Brexit brigade. And it's a bloody good bet that the majority of those who stayed loyal to the Tories were the Tory remainers. So that 40.3% was actually quite a lot higher. Be very afraid, Brexiteers. Especially of a second referendum!

I'm dealing with the solid numbers here, Stanron. Telling me I'm "wrong" without qualification is, frankly, puerile.