The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5989   Message #3994956
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
02-Jun-19 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Ramblin' Rover (Andy M. Stewart)
Subject: RE: Origins: Ramblin' Rover (Andy M. Stewart)
Medical explanation - long overdue! Sorry, but I don't think Polly is correct! Surprised that no-ne has yet offered the correct answer.
For those of the other gender to myself, "Bollocks" are testicles. If they get inflamed, you then have "orchitis" or even "epididymo-orchitis". You can get this from such bugs as chlamydia, gonoccoccus and others.
"Bollockitis" scans better in the song - you need the 4 syllables, rather than 3 or 8!