The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165433   Message #3995260
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
04-Jun-19 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness: House, job, life 2019 - 2020
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness: House, job, life - 2019

Back to this home on Saturday, hoping for folk dancing on Sunday - Rain! Cancelled! Phooey! Left Beaver in good shape. R had not been here since I left - working LATE and sleeping at City house. Plants survived neglect. Have been mostly resting up from the drive. Texting instructions to Magda re pottery - why have I done "this" the same way for 40 years? She wondered about doing it differently and, on second thought - sure you can! Also texting to find out where Bobby will be in near future: Yeah! Got it ...finally! I think it is this next Sunday! We can do that!

English class today was exhausting. Four students including a young man with little affect - could not tell if he understood anything. The 3 women would give him hints in French!I did not "hear that". Next week is last class until September; I shall welcome the summer hiatus to be able to spend a bit more time at Beaver. Any year now, R will get someone to help carry the heavy furniture upstairs and I can put things away and get better organized. He slept 11 hours Saturday night,having not arrived home until about 9:30.

So, dishes done, two loads of laundry complete, and put away as well as possible, including washing a couple pillows, one more to go. The feather or down ones were washed in a feather proof case and I have only one. House needs to be vacuumed but that takes planning: do it with mask on and then air out house while going somewhere else until dust settles.

Maybe tomorrow as I need to take car in for mysterious loss of oil - 3 qts in last month does not bode well. Never before; I bought it new in 2005. I would love a new car; will not buy a used one unless push comes to shove as I have spent way too much on them in my life. I have not saved enough for a down payment and I doubt this car is worth even $1000! Worst of all: A beautiful new car would soon look just as bad; they do not wear well when used as trucks! Well, let's hope it is not too serious!

Kitchen is pretty well organized but I will be re-organizing as I get used to the flow. Not all the space is full and not totally well utilized. Some things might yet leave. There is a constant outward flow of "I don't need..." I take some things to a thrift shop and bring a few - hopefully less and more useful - home.

Cool and windy, rainy. Not good for outdoor work so I have not yet planted the things I brought back from Beaver. But they are getting watered.