The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166090   Message #3995406
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
06-Jun-19 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: the roadkill thread
Subject: RE: BS: the roadkill thread
Here in the southeastern US, the industry standard for roadkill is the armadillo. An armadillo's response to a frightening situation is to try to get out of the way by jumping straight up in the air. That does not work very well when the frightening situation in question is being directly under a moving automobile. If you can avoid hitting an armadillo with your wheels, the play's not over. The armadillo will simply move on to the next act: committing suicide on the undercarriage of your car. That's why the carcasses of so many roadkilled armadillos appear to be undamaged and completely intact... until the buzzards get hold of them the next morning.