The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166279   Message #3998419
Posted By: Steve Shaw
29-Jun-19 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative Leadership Contest
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative LeadershipContest
By all means condemn Hamas and Hezbollah. They suck. I'm the first to admit it. They are not very nice. But do be aware of why these organisations came into being in the first place. A time when nobody was standing up for the Palestinians in the face of repeated Israeli regimes' repression, including those massacres at Sabra and Shatila. Their original raison d'ĂȘtre was protection of Palestinians. The fact that the so-called peace process, for decades, has been a total sham, thanks to racist regimes in the US and Israel, supported by lackey governments in the UK and elsewhere who help to bankroll Israel's military and who unconditionally support Israeli regime outrages, has alienated the factions that support the Palestinians, should be taken into account before you resort to ideological condemnation.