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Thread #165570   Message #4000386
Posted By: DMcG
11-Jul-19 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
And. I see you cannot mention sovereignty either, Iains. Here is an extract from the Hansard debate. The views expressed here are quite typical of the whole debate:


Tom Tugendhat (Tonbridge and Malling) (Con)
May I first welcome the comments of my friend the right hon. Member for Wolverhampton South East (Mr McFadden) and my right hon. Friend the Minister? This has been a very difficult moment for British diplomacy, and it is worth thinking about why that is so.

This is a direct challenge to a sovereign nation and its ability to nominate its own representative. If sovereignty does not allow a nation to choose its own representative, frankly, what is it but servitude? That is why Britain must stand up for our envoys. If we do not think that they are up to it, we must replace them, but we must not be bullied into seeing them kicked out or silenced. May I therefore ask my right hon. Friend to assure me, and everyone in this House, that Her Majesty’s Government will always stand up for those we send abroad, military or civilian, and back them as necessary, in the interests of the British people and no one else.


Most people agree that the leaker should be found and suffer any relevant penalty. Richard Tice, the Brexit Party MEP, speaking on Newsnight last night, did not think the police should be involved in investigating this, and was very much of the "move on and let's appoint a businessman instead of a civil servant" mind set, but almost everyone else seems to take the leak more seriously.