The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110892   Message #4000769
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
15-Jul-19 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: bowline vs. bow line in canal songs
Subject: RE: bowline vs. bow line in canal songs
In French "bout" is the pointy end but bouline has a more varied usage than the English.

Courir la bouline was the sailor's version of "running the gauntlet." A "gat" is a narrow strait or passage, ie: gate or gut.

A bouliner was a petty thief, goldbrick or such; typically bound for modern day Kitchen Patrol (KP) duty. More serious convicts were the chiourme (the choir) and galien (galley slaves.)

Fwiw: The marines' gauntlet was "passer par les baguettes" which isn't as tasty as it might sound. A marine's baguette was the brass, iron or hickory ramrod for his musket.