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Thread #165570   Message #4001475
Posted By: Iains
21-Jul-19 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Bums on seats is the only game in town. As has been said innumerable times those who voted to leave the EU won the referendum. There have been a number of threads on Brexit, the total postings must be in the thousands. There is a hard core of around 7 on this forum that argue over and over and over that the result was somehow flawed and must be rerun. Brexiteers only have to point out the obvious THAT THEY WON. So why do you find this concept of majority wins so difficult to understand. For thousands of posts you have disputed the outcome. You are like recalcitrant children, or alternatively Canutes disputing celestial mechanics and still getting wet feet. You would all test the patience of a saint and that I am not.
I would also point out that it is your side arguing that 16year olds should have been allowed to vote and that the resultof the 2016 referendum is no longer valid because the oldies that voted have all died off and other equally as stupid arguments.
It is also abundantly clear that when logical argument has ripped the ground from under your feet you all resort to insults and then have the audacity to accuse me of being insulting.
Have you ever thought for one moment that sometimes your arguments are so flawed that mockery is the only response that makes you take notice

Your favourite argument is that you were not informed.
Well I was informed that leave won the referendum
I was informed that a huge majority of MPs voted for article 50
I was informed by the manifestos of both Labour and Tory in the 2017 election that we would leave the EU
I was informed by the PM innumerable times that we were leaving.
We are still in the EU
I was lied to on multiple occasions
You were told to tick a box- in or out All the information you required was on the ballot paper.