The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166434   Message #4001667
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Jul-19 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: Persians
Subject: RE: Persians
The present dispute with Iran is rooted in the agreement on the development of Nuclear weapons
As far as I'm concerned, no nation should hold the fate of mankind in its hands and the last one to dictate who should and who shouldn't have the wherewithal to make this possible is one who has already used weapons of mass destruction on civilians on a not-so-grand scale - especially as it now has an aggressively unstable leader at its head.
The recognised term for those living in Iran is "Iranians" - referring to peoples by anything but their chosen name name went out with Empire (or should have done) - Cyrus and the Shah are figures of the past
Jim Carroll