The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166394   Message #4002717
Posted By: peteglasgow
30-Jul-19 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: Labour - the party of Remain
Subject: RE: Labour - the party of Remain
i was at a constituency labour party meeting last week (about 50 people there) i mentioned that in a lifetime in the union and maybe 25 years in the labour party, i had never encountered any anti-semitism, though plenty of opposition to the israeli government and support for the palestinians. however, recently i have seen a lot of anti-labour behaviour by supposed labour party members. i was wondering what action would be taken against these members. our mp explained that there are 2 reasons - 1. jeremy corbyn can be too much of a nice guy and 2. these people would be likely to resort to appeals and court action to defend their membership of a party that they they feel they have the right to criticise whenever possible. our meeting agreed - there was no debate about these points just anger at the prominent labour mps who are more interested in attacking labour rather than the tories. can we use the word b..tards on here?