The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83749   Message #4004576
Posted By: John C. Bunnell
15-Aug-19 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Subject: RE: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Interesting thread. Here's yet one more lyric to complicate the equation:

"Oh, little Sally Waters, sitting in the sun,
A-crying and weeping for a young man;
Oh, rise, Sally, rise, wipe your eye out with your frock;
That's sung by the babies, a-living on our block."

That's one of the refrains for a song from the 1870s called "The Babies On Our Block", by Ed Harrigan and Dave Braham.

Sheet music from the NYPL here.

Modern recording by Mick Moloney here.