The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165215   Message #4006294
Posted By: Steve Shaw
28-Aug-19 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Subject: RE: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
I've done it quite a lot with raspberries. I love the end-product but no-one else does. So I have a secret personal supply of raspberry gin unmonitored by Mrs Steve... :-)

Damsons are like small, dark plums, about the size of a large cherry tomato, quite tart in the mouth but excellent for jam - and for damson gin or vodka. I use them in the same way as sloes, tiny wild plum-like things that ripen in late autumn on blackthorn bushes. They are very astringent in the mouth but they make superb sloe gin. The general formula is 12 oz pricked sloes or damsons to one 70cl bottle of vodka or gin, along with 6oz sugar (you can always add more later). Keep for at least three months in a wide-necked jar, shaking occasionally, then decant into clean bottles. The cloudy residue looks unattractive but is what I regard as "cook's treat"... you can profitably freeze the fruit for a day or two first, which obviates the need for pricking.