The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5905   Message #400786
Posted By: InOBU
18-Feb-01 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: Songs about Molly Maguires
Subject: RE: Molly Maguires: Songs about?
Hi Dan, after this post last year, I recieved an angry email from the author of the great GREAT song about the Molly McGuires mentioned above by the band of the same name. He made reference eather to Malarchy or McCort and I presumed it was my old pal, now refered to as Frank's brother!
I saved the note in a computor which was later hit by lightning, and really wish he would write back, as I would love to do his song, and would not do it without proper acknowlegement.
I asked for clarification of his anoyance, as he seems to have written the note in a state of some anger, I believe, presuming I knew more of the story of missuse of his song.
If you read this, my hat is off to you, your song is a CLASIC! I hope it will be played for generations to come and attributed to you, so please get back in touch with all of us.
Anyone in contact with him, do tell him to write to us.