The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166526   Message #4008150
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Sep-19 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Stripping of Citizenship'??
Subject: RE: BS: 'Stripping of Citizenship'??
" took their actions in the knowledge that there could/would be consequences for their actions."
Those who went to Syria were little more than Children when they went
My father was wounded, imprisoned and psychologically tortured in spain
When he returned from Spain he found himself criminalised at the behest of MI5
He was blacklisted from work and forced to leave home to feed his family - I didn't see him regularly until I was nine years old
He was also excommunicated from his church
All for going off to fight fascism
The heroes of the International Brigades didn't expect anything from the Government - they had had five years of them appeasing Hitler before they leftbut they believed because of the imminence of war, that there would be no reprisals for going to fight the people Britain was lining up to go to war with
If the policies adopted by Britain today the IB would probably have ended up in the hands of the Nazis, deprived of the right to return home - just like those British citizens now in the hands of mass-murderer Assad
You should be proud of what Britain ahs become Nigel - abandoning fighters againt Assad while at teh same time prepared to see refugees drown rather than let them pollute British soil
Jim carroll