The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30932   Message #400820
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
18-Feb-01 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Dear Skeptic,

"Can I gather from your remarks that its just people who like Clinton that are the problem, not LSCs in general?"

The American defenders of clinton (FOBs and most democRATs) are self identified enemies of the US Constitution.

American LSCs in general are problematic but have a right to their beliefs under the first amendment.

They have every right to try to win the battle of public opinion but typically use "ends justify the means" spin tactics instead of revealing their agenda. (aka dirty pool)

"Nixon had the sense of honor to resign? After he was informed by the Senate Leadership that if he went on trial, he'd be convicted. Claiming that as honorable strains the meaning to the limit"

That included votes to convict from his own party.

If the LSCs in Congress had any honor, they would have gone and looked at the evidence and found clinton (the rapist and thief) should have been removed.

Instead, they closed their eyes, plugged their ears and went "na-na-na" seeing and hearing no evil.

Clinton (unlike Nixon) DID put America through the process and degraded American society as a result.

Take a look at former good buddy Time Magazine's treatment of the "Incredible Shrinking Ex-President" coming to a news stand near you soon.

"The mainpress media turn on Clinton moves into fifth gear: In its cover story, "THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING EX-PRESIDENT", TIME concludes "Clinton's ex-presidency is shaping up to be a shriveled version of his presidency....

TIME's cover page art shows a tiny figure of Clinton dressed in sweats and sneakers under a huge headline as "THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING PRESIDENT."

Clinton the STUD, shriveled! HA ha ha ha ha and bent whoooo! tee hee ha ha ha ha.

Here's more,8599,99676,00.html,8599,99807,00.html

"Ashcroft as Attorney General of Missouri singled out NOW to sue (for restraint of trade) over calling for a boycott during the ERA ratification fight"


NOW is simply a bunch of unreasonable socialist murder/bort elitists.

They don't give a damn about the average American woman.

The NOW butches want equal rights, but in practice when the going gets rough they revert to the "poor little ole me" victimhood posture instead of "taking it like a man.

(See: Lazio "invading" Hildebeast's space)

AG Ashcroft warts and all is 100 times more qualified than the 5th-choice-quaking-Waco murdering-frivolous phony FL child molesting innocent career destroying lawsuit-Elian communist complicit kidnapping-rubber stamping-obstruction of justice department-yes MAN!...Janet Reno!

I hope he puts the crooked old bag away for life.

"25 religious organizations have sent W a letter, asking that he repeal the restrictions on providing social services to illegal immigrants as part of his regulatory restructuring to accommodate faith-based charities. Seems the groups are much more interested in charity than politics"

I would support giving I.I.s a meal and a one way ticket home.

Next time, ouchies from the border patrol/Army.

"Plus all those rich people urging Bush not to reform the estate tax as (among other things) the reform would hurt charities"

If they want to give half their estate to charity or the govt, let them.

Leave the non-billionaires alone.

The reason so many people have to sell farms and family business is the very same estate (death)tax. That's anti-American

But you knew that! ...........Didn't you!

"But if he does, then the Government can just take up the slack"


"I suppose we can ignore the little breach of protocol in failing to invite certain democratic members of Congress when he was touring military bases in their States. Oops, he did invite some democrats.. In Virginia the excuse was that the Representative wasn't on the Armed Forces Committee (although other Congressmen who weren't also got invited). In Georgia, that excuse won't work as the Representative is on the Committee. It would be impolitic to mention that both were African Americans"

I wouldn't invite the racist bastards either. He's being way nicer to the commucRATs and black socialists (progressives)than he needs to be.

That NAACP dragging ad was the most disgusting and unfair piece of crap ever perpetrated in American politics.

Two of the murderers are now on death row in Texas.

What would "Hate Crimes Legislation" do, kill them TWICE???

"Then there's W's lost year of military service"

Then there's clinton taking communion with the USSR and Chinese COMMUNISTS!

"And the tax reform that gives the group who currently pays 21% of the taxes 41% of the tax breaks"

GOOD!................................Except that's:

33% paid by the top 1%.

50% paid by the top 5%

5% paid by the bottom 50%

If you don't pay income taxes, why should you get a break?

Oh yeah, socialism (return to top of letter and re-read)

mav out