The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166526   Message #4008285
Posted By: Iains
10-Sep-19 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Stripping of Citizenship'??
Subject: RE: BS: 'Stripping of Citizenship'??
As things stand at present the inhuman conditions refugees are condemned to when they attempt to get to Britain is a human rights disgrace that should not be allowed to happen

You obviously still cannot understand the difference between a migrant and a refugee.
If a refugee they would not need to attempt illegal entry. They have rights under the 1951 Refugee Convention and within the EU under the Dublin convention.

You are told repeatedly what a refugee is defined as, yet continue to post nonsense.

From the Guardian: Charities said the recent arrivals were due to intolerable conditions in the camps in France, including police brutality and intimidation, and a growing sense of “now or never” as Brexit and future immigration restrictions loom. Other also suggest smugglers are exploiting new routes to get migrants to the UK.

Why not take your outrage to France and complain about their police brutality. It obviously does not suit your agenda of attacking Britain
every chance you get.

Now we are allowing our government to punish those young people who attempted to stand up to one of the world's worst despots, by exiling them
Makes you proud to be British - eh what !!!

The more rational among us simply call them isis terrorists and I for one only wish to see them neutralised by whatever means