The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31002   Message #400894
Posted By: Hawker
18-Feb-01 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: As it is Sunday...Favourite Hymn?
Subject: As it is Sunday...Favourite Hymn?
I was sat in church with my children this morning and we sang 3 hymns. The third was The Lord's My Shepherd.... and I found myself thinking it is a shame that this hymn is oh so often saved for funerals, I prefer to sing it to Crimmond than the usual chuch version, but it is a lovely hymn. I would be hard pushed to pick a favourite, but I love... There is a green hill far away Brightest and best and MOST of the Christmas carols!

What about you lot out there..... What is your favourite hymn? (You don't have to conform to a religion to like hymns!)

Happy Sunday, Lucy