The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166526   Message #4009009
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Sep-19 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Stripping of Citizenship'??
Subject: RE: BS: 'Stripping of Citizenship'??
""prepared to see refugees drown rather than let them pollute British soil ""
If they are prepared to refuse them their legal right to return (9n the case of so-called Jihadists) and are letting them rot in disease riddled refugee camps, or force them to face the horrors of Assad's torture chambers (as many of them now are), drowning at sea is pretty low on the list of inhumanity Britain has long being indulging in
I would bother re-asking you about your stance on selling fighter planes to be used on the Yemenis and then blocking refugees from wars like that from entering Britain
I have no idea how you describe yourself but humanitarian doesn't spring to mind
Jim Carroll