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Thread #166609   Message #4009271
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Sep-19 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit 'Take Back Control' D Cummings
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit 'Take Back Control' D Cummings
"Well, Jim, it'll take an election to find out whether Johnson really represents Britain."
Having watche the opening shots of the appeals, actually it won't Steve
The appeal is that Johnson has breached hia authority as PM and has placed himself above the rule of parliament for political and personal purposes
They argue that the period for which parliament was closed is unprecedented and thet Johnson has lied when he clams it was common practice; that it was, in fact, to prevent Parliament debating a nationally important subject in order to over-ride it
This not only goes against the Constitution, but is in fact illegal
Johnson was expected to provide an opening statement explaining his actions - he has not done so
When asked what he will do if the decision goes against him, he says he will see what that decision is
This smacks of a political coup which, if successful, will be out of the hands of the electorate
One way or the other, either the courts will decide whether he is fit to represent Britain or he and his cronies will
No politicians who has behaved as he has can never be allowed to stand as leader again, especially as he has openly undermined the British legal system
He has behaved exactly as Trump has in the US - he is dismantling British democracy and making it fit his own extremist, perverted political outlook
He is rapidly becoming an openly out-of-the-closet fascist with his little army of insignificant nodding dogs backing him
The world has been here before - in my lifetime
Jim Carroll