The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77411   Message #4009772
Posted By: GUEST
20-Sep-19 - 10:51 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Annachie Gordon
Subject: RE: Origins: Annachie Gordon
Is anybody there? Annachie is alive and kicking here in the USA. The "Me Too" movement won't let it die.

I'm doing my best to keep him and Jeannie alive. I've combined several versions of the lyrics in order to tell the story in a way that highlights Jeannie's

Young Jeannie is a true feminist. She resists her parents' efforts to legally prostitute her by selling her off to a wealthy old man. Jeannie remains true to herself and her chosen man, Annachie, by refusing to have sex with Lord Saulton, until her father either forces or bribes her maid to strip Jeannie's clothes off. Jeannie either collapses at her father's feet and dies for love of Annachie. More likely she slips herself the poison she has hidden in her skirts for just this purpose or maybe she simply faints, hits her head against the stone floor, and dies from her injuries. Either way, both her greedy parents and her wealthy suitor won't benefit. Unfortunately, neither will her true love, the sailor Annachie, who either commits suicide or dies of heartbreak when he learns of Jeannie's fate.

I have tried, in my interpretation, to convey Jeannie's pride, strength, and commitment to her what she understands as true love. Back in those days, any woman who stood up for her beliefs would've faced death anyway.

I hope at some point to record a version of ther song that doesn't have as many errors as this one, but it'll have to do for now.