The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166646   Message #4009989
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Sep-19 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
Subject: RE: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
Echoed loudly Steve
It seems the dinosaurism extends beyond yaking care of our planet to misogyny and eugenics
Mankind has survived as long as it has because it constantly sought to understood and adapted to its natural environment - that ability seems to be as lost as all the other skills that have been temporarily replaced by so-called advance
I see little point in discussing with someone who can't tell the difference between effects of producing children out of necessity for survival and the neglect and deliberate destruction of our most essential natural assets because it is 'profitable' to do so or not 'economically beneficial' to maintain them   
The thought that some people might lose the use of their SuVs seems to fill people with uncontrollable dread, yet the production of cheap oil to run them has caused more ecological damage than a whole history of floods and forest fires, as well as destabilising our existence with permanent wars and mass migration
Greta Thunberg is, as yet, an unknown figure, yet in a few months she has managed to put our generation to shame and forced (some of) us to think of what damage we are doing to our fellow man
I don't know what she's on but a lot more people need to try it
Jim Carroll