The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166646   Message #4010018
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Sep-19 - 08:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
Subject: RE: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
More Limbaugh-dancing here
Racism, Christian fundamentalism, trumpism, supporter of extending the criminalising of drug use, Capital punishment, removal of need for sexual consent, opposes homosexual equality, feminism......

His views on the Environment
"Environmental issues
Limbaugh is critical of environmentalism and climate science.[87] He has disputed claims of anthropogenic global warming, and the relationship between CFCs and depletion of the ozone layer, saying the scientific evidence does not support them.[81] Limbaugh has argued against the scientific consensus on climate change saying it is "just a bunch of scientists organized around a political proposition."[88] He has also argued that projections of climate change are the product of ideologically-motivated computer simulations without the proper support of empirical data, a claim which has been widely debunked.[89][90] Limbaugh has used the term "environmentalist wacko" when referring to left-leaning environmental advocates.[91] As a rhetorical device, he has also used the term to refer to more mainstream climate scientists and other environmental scientists and advocates with whom he disagrees.[92] Limbaugh opposed pollution credits, including a carbon cap-and-trade system, as a way to disproportionately benefit major American investment banks, particularly Goldman Sachs, and claimed that it would destroy the American national economy.[93]
Limbaugh has written that "there are more acres of forestland in America today than when Columbus discovered the continent [sic] in 1492," a claim that is disputed by the United States Forest Service and the American Forestry Association, which state that the precolonial forests have been reduced by about 24 percent or nearly 300 million acres.[94][95]
Limbaugh strongly opposed the proposed Green New Deal and its sponsor Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.[96]"

Just the place to look for tolerance and humanity
Jim Carroll