The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130229   Message #40112
Posted By: Art Thieme
30-Sep-98 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Horse Named Bill - Know More??
Subject: Lyr Add: A HORSE NAMED BILL (from Bob Gibson)
I had a horse and his name was Bill,
When he ran he couldn't stand still,
He ran away one day
And also I ran with him.

He ran so fast he could not stop
He ran into a barber shop
And fell exhaustionized
With his eye teeth
IN the barber's left shoulder.

I had a gal and her name was daisy
And when she sang the cat went crazy
With deliriums, and St. Vituses,
And all kinds of cataleptics.

One day she sang a song about
A man who turned himself inside-out
And jumped into the ribber
Because he was so very sleepy.

I'm going out in the woods next year,
And shoot for beer instead of deer
I am, I was,
A great sharpshootress.

A shooting birds I am a beaut,
There ain't no bird I cannot shoot,
In the eye--in the ears,
Also in the fingers.

I went up in a balloon so big,
The people on the Earth they looked like a pig,
Like mice, like katydids,
Like flies and like fleazens.

The balloon turned up with it's bottom side higher,
Fell on the wife of a country squire,
She made a noise like a hound dog,like a steam whistle,
Also like dynamite.

What can you do in a case like that,
What can ya do but jump on your hat,
And your toothbrush, and your grandmother,
And anything that's helpless.

Bob Gibson sang this one on his Riverside LP ___OFFBEAT FOLKSONGS___ Carl Sandburg did it on Columbia. It's in his book AMERICAN SONGBAG (1927)