The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105376   Message #4011440
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Oct-19 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: Ewan MacColl - any first-hand anecdotes?
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl - any first-hand anecdotes?
" think the abuse is actually coming from you Jim"
Then please point out where instead of alluding to it bty saying "you think" it does
YOu slag him off by making an issue of a name change that took place well over a century ago
Would you make an issue of others who have done the same, Dylan, Johnny Handle - ?
I've never known any others doing so
Most people of my gneration know he changed his name and have accepted it fully - some use it to avoid discussing MacColl's work and ideas - as is happening now - this is all that concerns me
It's about as important about colour of hair, or height or whatever
What does it matter that he chamnge his name - why should he have "seen fit to" - do you disapporve of him doing so - why is it an issue with you when most people either don't give a toss or don't know   
I know exactly who has insulted whom here - the one who uses terms like "gobshite" has
I have no idea who you are o what you have done - you have my name and you can check my work on line
Please leave your abusive behaviour outside the door when you vist this site - it's not a polite way for a guest to behave
Finished you you until you learn some selsf-assestment and manners, I'm afraid
Jim carroll