The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166728   Message #4011663
Posted By: GUEST,mmarlow
02-Oct-19 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: Want lottery education/resistance songs
Subject: Want lottery education/resistance songs
Looking for songs to:
a) Help with education (help people learn not to play).
b) Advocacy/raising awareness of the role lotteries play in society.

Government reports recommend educating children to avoid the lottery. Songs could be a way to bolster that education. Children/youth are more susceptible to getting hooked on lotteries. Lottery decisions seem to be heavily influenced by beliefs and emotions (rather than facts), so seems like songs might be an effective way of helping improve decision making.

For general advocacy - Lotteries have many negative impacts, little known benefit, full impact on society not well understood. Seems like should be some songs to help raise awareness.

Songs I have found tend to talk about people winning lottery.
(Distorts the perceived chances of wining. People would need to hear billions of songs about losing the lottery to balance the perceived landscape to make up for all the songs about winning.)
Other songs tend to romanticize gamblers/gambling.

Thank you.