The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166752   Message #4012450
Posted By: GUEST,Starship
07-Oct-19 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Not 'A Miners' Life'! Irish attribution?
Subject: RE: Origins: Not'A Miners' Life! Irish attribution?
"The melody of this song is similar to the the Welsh hymn ‚Calon Lân’ Recorded by Siwsann George and also by Billy Bragg. It's a parody of the american gospel song "Life is Like a Mountain Railway" (1875) that was penned in the USA in 1890 or thereabouts. It has since been taken up by UK union movements from the 1970s and 1980s."

That is from

I see no connection of the song to Ireland; rather, it seems to be American, both the song and the parody. However, I stand to be corrected.