The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31036   Message #401277
Posted By: Amos
19-Feb-01 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: Memories and the 'A' word
Subject: RE: Memories and the 'A' word
I cannot answer that question with any certainty, friend. But I believe i would throw myself into learning new things, for one. And for another I would set about exercising the deliberate connection of memory with details in the past -- specifics. For example, I would set about trying to remember someone I had really liked; then another earlier time I had really liked someone. And another. And in each moment I would try to pin down the colors, or a particular sound, or the position of the sun, or a sense of temperature. I would crank this from various perceptics, various kinds of memory of a positive sort -- good communications, times of besting the elements or making something work, times of certainty about how it was. and in each, finding the details. I would make a hobby of it. This on the principle that the brain will tend to establish new pathways when so exercised.

That is my take on it. I don't know if it has any bearing or not.

