The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166762   Message #4012991
Posted By: gillymor
11-Oct-19 - 05:18 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Soft finger tips
Subject: RE: Tech: Soft finger tips
I read in a biography of Stevie Ray Vaughn by Andy Aledort that Vaughan used to use really heavy strings at one point in his career, .013 to .014 on the high E. and would develop deep cracks in his fingertips which he would fill with baking soda and then soak with super glue, similar to the way you fill in a guitar nut that's been filed too deep. Later on, after he got sober, he reverted to lighter strings and when asked why he used to go so heavy he replied that he did it to get a better tone and that back then he was using so much coke he couldn't feel his fingertips.Of course I'm not suggesting anyone should go out and score an 8 ball.