The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57470   Message #4014208
Posted By: keberoxu
17-Oct-19 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: Sydney Carter Recordings & Books
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter Recordings & Books
Should anyone value a present-day update to
the questions in the OP in this thread:
I have Amazon dot com on another tab, as I enter this post.

Songs of Sydney Carter in the Present Tense,
published by Galliard,
there are copies of Books One and Two, used ones.

Striking That Rock:
Sydney Carter and Donald Swann in an Exploration of the Holy Land --
no description (it's in the Books category),
I have no earthly idea what the contents are.

Lord of the Dance: The Song by Sydney Carter
This is more than sheet music.
It is the life of Jesus, the description reads,
written for children and their families,
with illustrations,
and the stanzas from Sydney Carter strategically inserted into the narrative.
from Lion Publishing Corp.

Sydney Carter's book Rock of Doubt is available.

Dance in the Dark --
I don't know what this is -- also available.

Volume 5 of In the Present Tense,
published by Stainer & Bell rather than Galliard.

Sydney Carter's
Lord of the Dance and other Songs and Poems,
published 2003 by Stainer & Bell.

Greenprint for Song:
Songs with Author's Notes
by Sydney Carter,
published 1974 by Stainer & Bell.