The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77411   Message #4016520
Posted By: GUEST,diplocase
01-Nov-19 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Annachie Gordon
Subject: RE: Origins: Annachie Gordon
Annie Lore, well known in San Francisco Bay Area music circles, recorded Young Auchanachie on her LP The Grey Cocked Hat, now very hard to find. I have been singing her tune since the 1970s when I learned it from her singing in Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley (which she frequented in her sky blue RenFaire garb). Her tune is in the same family as the one Nic Jones popularized, but is not the same. I don't have her album any more, so this is close but may not be identical to Annie's very singable and memorable version:

"Oh, Buchan it is bonny, and there lies my love
My heart is fixed on him, and it winnae remove                            will not
It winnae remove, no for all that I can dae                                     can do
And I never will forsake my love, Auchanachie."

Ben come her faither, steppin on the floor                                     in
He says "Jeannie, you are trying but the tricks o a hoor
Ye care meikle for him who cares little for thee:                         meikle = muckle, much
I'd have you marry Saltoun, and leave Auchanachie.

Auchanachie Gordon is nothing but a man,
And though that he be bonny, whaur lies his free land?
Whaur lies his free land, tae keep a lady wi?
I'd have you marry Saltoun, and leave Auchanachie."

"Saltoun is a valley, low down by the sea
And he's bowed in the back, and thrawn in the knee.            thrawn = bowlegged
It's in Lord Saltoun's arms that I will never be,
And I never will forget my love Auchanachie."

But Jeannie she was wedded, and from church was brought hame
And she's called for a chamber, tae weep there her lane
Tae weep there her lane, when sae merry she should be,
Sayin "I never will forsake my love, Auchanachie."

"All you that is her maidens, ye'll loose off her gown
And you that is her maidens, ye'll cause her lie down
Ye'll cause her lie down, tae lie her bridegroom wi
And he'll cause her to forget him, this young Auchanachie."

Them that was her maidens, they loosed off her gown
But bonny Jeannie Gorden, she fell in a swoon
She fell in a swoon, low down by their knee
Sayin "I never will forsake my love Auchanachie."

That day they wedded her, and that day she died
And that day young Auchanachie come in on the tide
Cam in on the tide, returning o'er the fleed,
Cryin "Whaur is bonny Jeannie, to meet Auchanachie?"

Down cam her maidens, wringing of their hands,
Sayin "Alas for your staying sae lang frae the land!
Sae lang frae the land, and sae lang on the fleed:
They've wadded your Jeannie, and now she lies deid!"          wedded, married off

"All you that is her maidens, tak me by the hand
And lead me tae the chamber my Jeannie lies in."
He kissed her cold lips full thirty times and three
And for bonny Jeannie Gordon young Auchanachie did dee.