The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165171   Message #4016526
Posted By: Raedwulf
01-Nov-19 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Halloween
Subject: RE: BS: Halloween
Typical Steve, misunderstands straight away & gets snotty about it. No, I don't like Halloween & for exactly the same reason that you don't. The modern UK version of it, like Father's Day & others, is just an excuse for cheap-tat makers & anyone who sells their trash to make a profit.

My point is that an awful lot of people (& I used to be one of them) think it's yet another imported American festival when, actually, it's a British festival originally. Again, I haven't gone & looked it up, but from what I remember having done so in the past, it fell out of use over here as a combination of Victorian xtian moral disapproval* and the proximity of Guy Fawkes night taking over.

* The same as an awful lot of "fairy" tales got Bowdlerised because they were too nasty / had the 'wrong' endings. Hansel & Gretel got stuffed in the oven originally, if memory serves, not the witch - the story was, effectively, a warning about not wandering off into the forest!