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Thread #166861   Message #4016777
Posted By: DMcG
02-Nov-19 - 05:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
Subject: RE: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
A comic, but fairly accurate, account of the Brexit Party launch from Tom Peck in the Independent. The italics are his.


And so we turn to Nigel Farage, standing on a stage in a church hall in Westminster, demanding Boris Johnson both rip up his withdrawal agreement – the one, single achievement of his time as prime minister – and also to stand down Tory candidates in dozens of seats, to allow his party a clear run at them.

Or else? Or else what? Or else Nigel Farage will put up Brexit Party candidates in every single constituency, and do exactly what he did last time round in 2015. Which, he even actually explained, was to steal Eurosceptic votes from Labour voters who just can’t countenance voting Conservative, and as a consequence hand David Cameron his majority.

That, for now, is the plan. Give me what you can’t possibly give me or else I’ll win you the election.

Whether it is true that he would be able to steal more votes from Labour than from Conservatives in the Labour heartlands is not clear, but it is what Nigel threatened...