The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166861   Message #4017440
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Nov-19 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
Subject: RE: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
So the Tories doctored a video in an attempt to misleadingly show Keir Starmer in a bad light, and have spent hundreds of thousands of in taxpayer money to lie to universal credit claimants. It looks like we are going to be confronted by a campaign of Tory lies. These tactics are not only undemocratic, they are anti-democratic. I also note that the attacks on Corbyn are in full flow, one of the latest of which compares him with Stalin. Bring it on, Tories. These are the tactics that lost you your majority last time. More please.