The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166858   Message #4018086
Posted By: Mo the caller
09-Nov-19 - 05:16 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Rumpelstiltskin, thousands of years old?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Rumpelstiltskin, thousands of years old?
Anne said "However what intrigues me most is not that people travel, but that people then locate the story in a new home, so this story is told as if it belongs to France, or Wales, or Ireland, or Scotland, or England - or any number of places."
But haven't we all seen it done. A song that we all know, relocated by the singer on the spot to the place he is singing in. An Irish place name or turn of phrase changed for something more natural to an English mouth. An urban myth told as if it happened to someone the teller knows. The hero of a children's story given the name of the listener.

We make our songs and stories our own.