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Thread #166861   Message #4018126
Posted By: DMcG
09-Nov-19 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
Subject: RE: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
Fair point, pete. But the reason it is being discussed is that the Tories see it as a major weapon against Labour. Make no mistake (as the other thread would have it), this is not because the Tories are particularly bothered about the Jewish community. Their primary interest is making Labour less attractive to all the well meaning non-Jewish people who rightly think antisemitism is appalling. That there is a Jewish community which has, in large part, voted Labour in the past and may not this time is a welcome bonus, but it is not, in itself, as significant. Those in London, for example, are more likely to switch from Labour to LibDem, not Conservative, especially if they are remainers. This is not about the Conservatives winning votes, just trying to make Labour lose as many as possible.

What you say about the Tory attitude to foreigners is quite right, but it will need Labour or other party to force that into the news against those parts of the media that support the Tories and/or Brexit and are quite happy to keep the focus elsewhere, thank you.