The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165433   Message #4019102
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
14-Nov-19 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness: House, job, life 2019 - 2020
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness: House, job, life - 2019
One of the international students who worked in my library department was originally from Iraq and her mother managed to find an oven here in the US so she could make the traditional large round flat Iraqi bread. It involves rolling and stretching it then draping it over a large really, well, you don't want to look too close, pillow-like thing, and reaching into the hollow center of the oven and sticking it to the side. There is a similar setup with the same kind of odd pillow in use at the grocery where I buy it now. The other breads are made in a bakery attached to the store and are mechanically shaped and run on a production line through the long ovens. But you can make pita bread at home with a pizza stone.

We had a heavy wind earlier this week and it seems to have dropped every leaf that was once on my trees. I'll mow over all of it this weekend and let it mulch into the turf. Trees decluttered.

There's a thread about Susan's recuperation going, if anyone missed it.