The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30667   Message #401922
Posted By: Big Mick
19-Feb-01 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: Has anyone seen Little Neophyte?
Subject: RE: Has anyone seen Little Neophyte?
Willie-O, I miss you. I am a sick man. When are you going to get yer arse out of them friggin' woods and get down here????? Guess I will have to come over there and get you and the gang and take you back to a civilized wilderness............... Call Tony and tell him to pack his bags..............Can I carry the Lowden??? Come to think about it, you stay in the woods and me and the Lowden will visit Michigan.

Left Bonnie about an hour ago. We had a wonderful time. I picked her up after work. Spent about a week and a half in Elderly today while she played every damn banjo in the joint.........then the lady went through every damn old timey CD in the place. If you have ever seen their selection you know that took some time. I was about to pass out from hunger......those of you who know me know that I have a high maintenance body, take plenty of food to keep it going..........when I finally convinced her that we could pass on the digeridous and the hurdy gurdy's. We ate at BD's Mongolian Barbecue.....then we went to White's Music Store.......and then had a dessert (someone ought to go to jail for making this thing......chocolate and rasberry)and coffee at the International Travellers Club and Tuba Museum. If you are ever in Okemos, Michigan you must stop there and eat. We stopped at the local Hypermarket so she could get some coffee for her room.......the poor child had never seen the modern technology for paying by card, got terribly confused, the cashier wondered if she came from Mars or something hahahahahaha........a quick stop at the Circuit City. Then I dropped her off and came home.

I listened to her old time style (over and over and over.............LOL) at Elderly. She is doing Dwight Diller proud. And Rick................before she played the first note on any one of the thousands of banjo's she tried .............. she tuned. You have taught her well, my friend.

Got to go to bed, early morning tomorrow.

I loved having you here, Bonnie. Glad we are friends. Come back soon.

All the best,

Big Mick