The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166789   Message #4019948
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Nov-19 - 03:16 AM
Thread Name: The current state of folk music in UK
Subject: RE: The current state of folk music in UK
"Yes but Tamm linn doesn't have a chorus that is repeated repeated about fifty times!"
Thanks be to god - it's boringly meaningless enough as it is

"Not to my taste" has nothing to do with this Joe
I don't want to have a pissing contest with people over what they like - I'm saying none of your songs have anything whatever to do with folk songs, nor do they resemble them in any way

I'll tell you what - if that's what you want to do, you pick a song and tellme what you find "good" or 'important anout it, and I'll pick, say my favourite ballad and do te same

"We did and are doing. You just ignore it."
The alternative put up here is to alienate by tearing it up from its grass roots and sticking it on the net or replacing teh clubs by impersonal festivals and to top it all, replacing the democratic nature of the club scene with a star system
Then you add to the mix "nobody knows what folk sog is any more"
That's nor replacing or improving what has gone before, that is demolition
I won't begin to talk about the massive damage that is being and has already been done on the research front by tearing down over a century's research in order to replace it with new and as yet unsubstantiated ideas
The folk scene is rapidly beginning to resemble the devastated Britain depicted in last night's War of the Worlds