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Thread #166789   Message #4020095
Posted By: Vic Smith
18-Nov-19 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: The current state of folk music in UK
Subject: RE: The current state of folk music in UK
Tam Lin!
Totally engrossing when it is performed by a master.*
Two very different performances stand in my memory as being utterly gripping throughout. Compelling even though very long. The two are by Mike Waterson and by Pete Morton.
Mike's version is available on Youtube at
Sadly, the 31 verses of Pete's version is not freely available on the internet, as far as I can see, but it is on his great album Frivolous Love.
I've just listened to them both again and was thrilled all over again. Thanks to whoever introduced this ballad to the thread.
Of course, my admiration for these two would just be my personal opinion. If anyone can come with any others quite in the class of these, I would be interested to listen to them.

* Though it can be pretty awful when it sung by a lesser singer.