The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7180   Message #402118
Posted By: Abby Sale
20-Feb-01 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: TALL TALES & other lies...
Subject: RE: TALL TALES & other lies...
NH Dave: It's a loverly story & you told it well. I still have the paperback (although all of it's glue is missing now.) Chase can be heard telling this & several of the best on - They're intersperced with Clayton & Ritchie singing appropriate songs on the compilation reissue: American Songs of Revolutionary Times & Civil War Era Legacy-International CD.

It includes "1-2-3" which I admit I raised my family on and very effectively - when all knew the story well & I was irked at some continuing misfeasance, I'd scream "one" at the top of my lungs. The point was always well-taken and I never got to "three."