The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166861   Message #4022903
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Dec-19 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
Subject: RE: BS: UK General election December 12 2019
Hinckley Point is 106 miles from Bude. OK, not as the crow flies, but there a damn great big wodge of Somerset sticking out into the sea twixt there and here. Round here we're a damn sight more worried about the listening station at CSOS Morwenstow (GCHQ's ear on the world) which is only five miles away and reputedly the fourth biggest terrorist target in the country (dunno what the first three are). I have a good few mates working up there and I reckon they're watching the bloody test matches in ultra-HD most of the time.