The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31036   Message #402580
Posted By: Metchosin
20-Feb-01 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: Memories and the 'A' word
Subject: RE: Memories and the 'A' word
I too hope more is done and soon to combat this disease, it has touched our family personally as well and in response my brother wrote the following poem.

Grampa Jack

I watched as you daily unremembered things
sort of like baking a cake in reverse
a little less of this, a little less of that
take away one teaspoon of the past.....
But suddenly fold in one lucid moment!
a sprig of over sweet lilac
one milk cart which left you a donkey engine
a kerosene lantern lantern sent in a drunken rage across the head of
your beloved mother, by your father who you beat unconscious
and left forever....
three lost brothers, or,
were they lost family photographs....?
And then there was the time when that locomotive derailed and
and you were there to pull the engineer from the wreck but the stream
had done its damage, like your years, and when you took his arm
to pullhim to safety, his skin skin slid off his arm as smoothly
as Garbo's evening glove, only....
Eyes like wet, grey sand and a rattle of a voice
through lips as thin as teeth, you see
saying "who are you"
and you crushed who you loved but no longer knew.....
And I watched quiet....hurt...angry...ashamed, as you slipped
behind that veil of ether to unremember me
for the last time.