The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166986 Message #4026339
Posted By: Tradsinger
04-Jan-20 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: Anyone wassailing this Christmas?
Subject: RE: Anyone wassailing this Christmas?
Interesting to hear about the Howlers going out between Christmas and the New Year and combining the house-to-house wassail and the orchard wassail. I thought that traditionally, Howling was an orchard wassail, so is this an extension to the original tradition?
Our folk choir went wassailing around our small Gloucestershire town with a wassail bowl before Christmas before ending up at the pub. The bowl was decorated by fairy lights, so we claim to have the only battery-operated wassail bowl in existence.
We may develop the tour more this year.
I know there are hundreds of orchard wassails help in January but I wondered if anyone else was doing the house-to-house thing around Christmas.