The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31002   Message #402791
Posted By: wysiwyg
21-Feb-01 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: As it is Sunday...Favourite Hymn?
Subject: RE: BS: As it is Sunday...Favourite Hymn?
It's very interesting. Amos did not address my questions (because they were the wrong ones, for him), but in e-mail someone has shared with me their personal recollection of harms related to what Amos said.

And I am listening closely, because people who have been harmed in the name of religion have seldom spoken so clearly and responsibly to me about it. Oh I listen to it all. This time I can actually HEAR.

Those of us who never experienced those harms-- it's unimaginable until you hear the story of one who did experience it, and extrapolate from there to the empty pews. How would those who avoid the pews like ther plague know it's any different from what they experienced? I suppose it's equally unimaginable, unless we who have not been harmed tell our stories as personally and hearably as my dear correspondent wrote to me.

Thanks, Amos, for raising all this, whether you meant to, or not. When I read your post I must admit that I felt for a moment like you'd never heard a word I'd said. Now I realize it was I who had the burden of hearing, this time, and I have.
