The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157878   Message #4028775
Posted By: Steve Gardham
17-Jan-20 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: Dave Harker, Fakesong
Subject: RE: Dave Harker, Fakesong
When The Folk Song society started up in 1899 there was no mention of Child right up to the 4th volume (1902) and 6 Child ballads had been published in the first 3 volumes. However in the fourth there are 3 Child ballads and Lucy Broadwood in her notes quotes Child in all of them. Kidson also contributes to the notes without a mention of Child. However, to be fair, he was largely a musical historian, not a ballad scholar. Baring Gould was not an active member at that point but his work is referred to. Of course his 'Songs of the West' 1891 has numerous mentions of Child as from just prior to that he was corresponding with Child.