The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118422   Message #4028940
Posted By: Senoufou
18-Jan-20 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushfires in Australia - Feb 2009-2020
Subject: RE: BS: Bushfires in Australia - Feb 2009
I have been watching all this on the TV News for several weeks and find it unbearably sad. Huge sections of Australia seem to be a smoking wasteland, and the contaminated air even choked some top tennis competitors off the court. The poor animals burnt to a cinder, and homes reduced to a pile of black dust.

I think that UK should hold back much of its foreign aid to China and other flourishing places, and divert a large sum to helping Australia rebuild and recover. Our Aussie friends have helped us in the past during Wartime, and we owe them a great deal at the moment.

I do pray for lots of rain to fall asap, but even if it poured this evening, there must be billions of pounds worth of damage to rectify.
God bless Oz!